Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Michael Edwin Q.

The congregation had grown so large; there was no way Pastor Chuck could know the names of all that attended Sunday service.  He led two services every Sunday. He worked hard on his sermons, trying to keep them interesting, informative, and entertaining, which was why the one elderly couple that sat in the front row every Sunday during the second service bothered him so.
Each Sunday, slowly but surely, the husband’s eyes would grow heavy, then he’d fall asleep. Sometimes his head would fall backwards, his mouth open and drooling. Other times his head would fall forward, his chin resting on his chest. And other times his head would tilt to the side and rest on his wife’s shoulder.
Pastor Chuck’s heart went out to this woman, having to suffer the embarrassment of her uncouth mate. Finally, after one service when the sleeping man’s snoring could be heard at the pulpit, Pastor Chuck went over to console the poor woman.
“My dear lady, my heart goes out to you. Every Sunday I watch you drag your husband to church, and then wake him and take him home.”
“Thank you, Pastor,” replied the woman. “It is difficult. Every Sunday I try to persuade my husband to stay home, but he loves your sermons. He tries so hard to stay awake, but the Cancer Medications always get the best of him.


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